In a city without a name, ruled by the government of the Rose that came to save the citizens after the Collapse, an international war that ended 44 years ago in a society meltdown, young Bexx Kajan was born into a working class family but soon decides that she wants to join the army to fight for good. She’s a prodigy, a Capitan and leader of her own crew at twenty one. One month after Bexx received the news that her sister Arihanne was killed she’s sent on an almost fatal solo mission that finally wakes her up.
After dancing with death almost one too many times, Bexx finds herself amongst her former enemies, the Rebels, and starts to uncover secrets about her own and the cities past. Meanwhile, her doubts that her sister was killed accidentally during combat grow stronger and so Bexx decides she has to find the one who’s responsible for the murder.
Into the Unknown, a journey full of truth, mysteries and action.
My Rating
A free copy was received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
I hate to say bad things about a book cause I know the author took a lot of time and effort to write a book for others to enjoy but this book was kind of bad.
The writing in this book is a main reason I disliked most of it, there where a lot of typos first off. I think it should have been edited at little better. Secondly it didn't flow, it felt awkward to read cause it was just kind of didn't flow right. Most of the sentences where long sentences it seemed. There should have been a mixture of short and long sentences. All long makes it boring, and it's just better to write with all different kinds of sentence lengths. Also the wording in this book, the right words make all the difference. Like if you say 'I was lying down then sat down' it just doesn't sound right. It also doesn't help you see in your mind what's going on. Also that way things where described it was hard to picture what was going on, something that should have been done was the author should have used all 5 senses to describe a scene. The way it look is one thing but how it smelled or felt, or sounded things like that would have helped out a lot.
Now I stuck through this whole book and read the whole thing. 2 things that never really made much sense were: 1 the prologue and the Epilogue and 2 Bexx sister thing. Let me do Bexx's sister really fast, I don't get this cause I'm unsure why Bexx cares about her or wants to figure out what's wrong. I guess maybe it's done that way so the next story can play out because it has something to do with that? I'm not sure maybe I will find out. The epilogue and prologue didn't make much sense. Half way threw the book we sort of get what the prologue is about, but still it's weird cause I feel like the prologue is unnecessary. It could have been taken out and I think the effect would have been the same. The Epilogue is like the prologue but just slightly different and I have no clue what it has to do with anything at all either. Other then to maybe reinforce a small part of the story? Who knows.
Now I don't have just bad things to say about this book I have some good things to say too.
I liked the idea of the story it was very cool. I think it could have been done a little better but it was a good idea.
I liked Bexx character at first I didn't like her and felt she was too perfect, but if you stick with the book you find out why you also find out she knows nothing and she isn't perfect. She was a neat character and seemed to be exactly what the author wanted her to be at all times.
I liked how Bexx believed in the Rose even after a lot of evidence pointed away from it. I liked how she also slowly turned against the Rose. It wasn't all at once which made it feel real.
A lot of this book seemed more realistic then most books the way parts feel flat and how Bexx thought through things. At least for me it felt real at times and I liked that.
That's about all I have to say.
That's about all I have to say.
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