In a post-apocalyptic world controlled by alien invaders, two teens and a young girl with mysterious powers embark on a dangerous journey. What they find will change everything...
Earth has been conquered. An extraterrestrial race known as The Assembly has abducted the adult population, leaving the planet’s youth to fend for themselves. In this treacherous landscape, Holt, a bounty hunter, is transporting his prisoner Mira when they discover Zoey, a young girl with powerful abilities who could be the key to stopping The Assembly. As they make their way to the cavernous metropolis of Midnight City, the trio must contend with freedom fighters, mutants, otherworldly artifacts, pirates, feuding alien armies, and perhaps most perilous of all: Holt and Mira’s growing attraction to each other.
Midnight City is the breathtaking first novel in the Conquered Earth series, and a stunning work of imagination from debut author J. Barton Mitchell.
This book is one very adventure and action pact books. Holt, Mira and Zoey are always running or trying to get somewhere.
It isn't really my type of book to be honest it was hard to get into and I kept losing focus none the less it would be a great book if you were into this kind of thing. I only read it mainly cause I won the second book in a giveaway. So I will be reading the second book too.
I really enjoyed the characters and thought they were well described. Mira and Holt really felt like equals yet enemies at the same time which was really cool to read, and see how that worked out.
Everything was also described really well like you could see it which I loved.
I don't know what else to say about it hopefully I have more to say about the second book.
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