Friday, November 1, 2013

UnWholly (Unwind Dystology #2) by Neal Shusterman

It’s finally here. The long-awaited sequel to the bestselling Unwind, which Publishers Weekly called a “gripping, brilliantly imagined futuristic thriller.”

Thanks to Connor, Lev, and Risa—and their high-profile revolt at Happy Jack Harvest Camp—people can no longer turn a blind eye to unwinding. Ridding society of troublesome teens while simltaneously providing much-needed tissues for transplant might be convenient, but its morality has finally been brought into question. However, unwinding has become big business, and there are powerful political and corporate interests that want to see it not only continue, but also expand to the unwinding of prisoners and the impoverished.

Cam is a product of unwinding; made entirely out of the parts of other unwinds, he is a teen who does not technically exist. A futuristic Frankenstein, Cam struggles with a search for identity and meaning and wonders if a rewound being can have a soul. And when the actions of a sadistic bounty hunter cause Cam’s fate to become inextricably bound with the fates of Connor, Risa, and Lev, he’ll have to question humanity itself.

Rife with action and suspense, this riveting companion to the perennially popular Unwind challenges assumptions about where life begins and ends—and what it means to live.

Unwind is such a good book it is hard to believe that Unwholly is even better but to me it was. Neal Shusterman does a great job with characters. He has many different characters that you follow. The book is in third person but it jumps from one person to the next to the next and back. Just little sections that all add up and tell a story. In this book we get some pretty awesome new characters alone with the old ones, and Neal Shusterman does a really good job at making them all different, individual characters that are awesome to remember.
I really like the book also because Neal Shusterman puts in these Advertisement things, like stuff that's happening out in the real world and don't have a real immediate effect on the characters i guess you could say. You are honestly able to see a lot of sides to the story with the way the book is written which makes it so great. Great book, lived up to all I thought it was going to be and more.

Now the only reason I wrote this review is because I'm in the process of reading the third book. Now if you have read the first two right on, I hope you think they are as awesome as I think they are. If you haven't read these books read them soon and then once your done with Unwind and Unwholly go pick up the third.

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